"I have to be honest, I was a little skeptical before I received it (so many books about graffiti and the revolution) but yours is really wonderful and important; so different to all the other books out there of similar matter. It's such a critical historical document in so many ways, and beautifully done. I love your approach and all you have done to bring this together. Congratulations."
–Yasmine El Rashidi

"The most honest and professional documentation of the Egyptian graffiti movement in our time" –Aya Tarek

"The best book on Egypt's graffiti is 'Walls of Freedom'. Saw it again today and its excellently well done" –Omar Robert Hamilton

"How many books have been published about Egypt's revolutionary Streetart? This is the only one I wanna read!"

"A fantastic, accurate and well documented journey through the 2011 Egyptian revolution and its aftermath via the art of graffiti. A much needed document that is already facing censorship."
–Lara Baladi

"Awesome stuff on all levels, design, text and above all pictures, feeling lucky for having my work in it!"
–The Mozza

"Thank you for the book. It is really great, beautifully done, full of energy, and capturing the heart of what was done and what is still trying to be done. I'm glad and proud to be part of it."
–Ahdaf Soueif

"After this book, I’m no longer worried if the last three years of work on the wall are going to be documented in a meticulous way worthy of this extraordinary time. Thank you to all those who worked on this book to document our experiences. The story is ongoing, but no regime can erase “our walls or our truths” because this information is now part of the historical record, available to all around the world to see and read."
–Ammar AboBakr

"Walls of Freedom is one of the most important documents of our time…Brilliant, Informative, Important book.. A must have!"
–Ahmed Hayman

“This is, literally, an extraordinary book, reaching far beyond the conventional limits of art books, and one that defies categorisation. ‘Walls of Freedom’ is highly recommended for anyone, anywhere, with an interest in and/or commitment to art, the politics of protest, social change and the growing internationalisation of the world community. It belongs on the shelves of school and university libraries, and in the homes of anyone who cares about the future of humanity. It is that important.”
More Amazon.co.uk Reviews“This is a beautiful document of the entire revolution and is filled with tons of insight and context that is beyond eye-opening on a wide range of topics pertaining to Egypt. It tells an important story and in a way that also highlights just how powerful and valuable art really is. Graffiti, poetry, signs, stickers, ideas, creativity, satire, etc. These things matter a hell of a lot and every single revolution always involves art in a major way and we best recall and remember pivotal moments from iconic pieces of art and imagery.”
“I acquired this book as part of the crowdfunding campaign and it is a treasure. Not only is it full of rich illustrations of street art in Egypt, but the texts illuminate a long history of that mode of communication. Suddenly I look at pottery shards from any culture in a different light. It is most fascinating to read the history and origins of a ubiquitous image and understand how much context is required to “read” the walls of freedom. This is a rich and beautiful book.”
“Walls of Freedom is a time capsule in the literal sense, and at the same time a work that can not quite decide what it wants to be: the standard work of the revolutionary narrative in Egypt or a visually stunning documentation on 260 glossy pages. And, to be honest, this is the best thing that the two editors could do. The photos are simply amazing, the background texts well curated and the content is strong. There are a wealth of publications on street art in Egypt. But ‘Walls of Freedom’ wants more, it wants the whole picture.
–Taz Newspaper (Die Tageszeitung)
“The book is fantastic. You did an amazing job and it’s an amazing project. It is one for the history departments across the world. Congrats! –Alan Ket, graffiti artist, author, historian, curator.